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The Freedom to Travel

Throughout the history of Emerald Guitars, our stories have been shaped by the very material we use to shape our instruments. Carbon fiber has given us the freedom to do things differently. From sculpted creations such as the Phoenix violin and Dragon guitars, to multi-neck innovations like the Chimaera and Synergy models, these designs would have been impossible with wood.

But carbon fiber has allowed us to do a whole lot more than imagineer groundbreaking designs. It has enabled us to create guitars that thrive in extreme climates and stand up to harsh travel conditions. On every step of the Emerald story, this theme of travel has been present…

It’s a worldwide thing. Here’s why…

Over the years we have taken every opportunity to see new parts of the world and be inspired along the way. And we love to see just how far our instruments have traveled, and to discover the fascinating places to which they accompany so many players.


If you’ve tried traveling with, or playing a wooden guitar on tour, you’ll know just how hard it is to have peace of mind in certain conditions. And as you move from one climate to another, the structure of the guitar can be compromised and the tonal properties will change.

Carbon fiber on the other hand is not affected by temperature and humidity. And so Emerald Guitars give you freedom. Traveling the world over the years with his Emerald has always led to adventure for Alistair…

Alistair jams on The Great Wall

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In the early years of Emerald, one specific guitar was always at Alistair’s side on his international travels. Although always surrounded by guitars, there was one instrument he called his ‘own’; a small-bodied X5. Down the years this guitar was taken everywhere, from riding with elephants to swimming down waterfalls – it was even used as a canoe paddle in Bangkok! One of Alistair’s fondest memories is of sitting on The Great Wall of China with Wang Lee Hom‘s band after a concert, having a jam session, with everyone using the perfect travel guitar! This instrument has since been developed and upgraded to become the X7, Emerald’s parlor-sized travel guitar.

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Jason & Paul’s Inspired Travels

The team in County Donegal is always delighted to see people do extraordinary things while traveling with their Emerald…

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Jason Phelps undertook hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, with his trusty Emerald, and made wonderful music along the way. He hiked the entire 2,650 miles (4,265 km) with an Emerald on his back. For Jason, the Emerald gave him the freedom to bring music with him every step of the way.

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Paul Cheese cycled across Europe with his trusty Emerald and portable recording studio, finding fascinating places along the way in which to record. We were always excited to receive videos of him playing in tiny phone boxes, or inside tunnels or on mountain tops! He even cycled to the Emerald workshop in Ireland to visit the place where his guitar was born! 

Music Connects. Your Emerald will inspire.

Travel and music go hand in hand. There’s something special about music in how it spreads around the world, and connects people from different cultures. For everyone at Emerald, making a guitar that gives you the freedom to go wherever your inspiration takes you, is important and rewarding. You can have your favorite guitar to hand wherever you go – for a weekend in the woods, to an ocean boat trip, or a tent in the desert – to make and share music anywhere.

It’s always a pleasure to see our guitars pop up in new places all over the world and we look forward to seeing where they appear next! Watch this space…

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